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Dare to Hope!

By December 31, 2014 February 16th, 2025 Jared Nieman

Here we are!  We made it through 2014 and we are at the starting line of a brand new year!  As you take time to reflect over what 2014 brought you, and as you anticipate and envision what 2015 has in store for you, I challenge you, no, I dare you to stand in this moment without regret.

regret: a feeling of sadness or disappointment about something that you did or did not do; to think back with a sense of loss and disappointment.

During times of change, like the end of a year and the entrance of a new year, it is common for us to experience regret. When we  live with regret, we live our lives trying to make up for our past.  In our minds, we live our present trying to pay the debts of our past.  The prophet Jeremiah said it this way.

“The thought of my suffering…is bitter beyond words.  I will never forget this awful time as I grieve over my loss…” Lamentations 3:20 (NLT)

Notice that the “thoughts of suffering” are the bitterness the prophet wrote about.  Regret occupies your mind and essentially attempts to overtake every thought of God that should rule your mind. 

The scripture goes on to say “I will never forget this awful time”.  In the original language, the word “forget” translates to owing a debt.  Essentially regret makes you live like you owe something.  Id like to remind you that God did not intend for you to live today, tomorrow or any of your future as an attempt to pay back the debt that regret is trying to place on you.  Jesus was sent to pay the price for past, present and future!  He is our hope!  Look at what Jeremiah goes on to say

“Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:  The faithful love of the Lord never ceases…Great is His faithfulness…His mercies begin fresh every morning…I say to myself the Lord is my inheritance, therefore I will hope in Him…” Lamentations 3:21-24 (NLT, paraphrase added)

I still dare to hope!  In this scripture the original translation of the word “dare” means to “stand, to rise, to get up”.  Hope means to have positive expectation. 

So we could say it this way: “my expectations of goodness stand and rise up when I remember…”  So if regret is reminding you of your past…just remember…

Remember the Lord’s love is faithful and never ending!  Your past will NOT define you.  The Lord’s love can outlast your past!



Remember the Lord’s mercy is given fresh every morning!  Disappointment won’t devastate you because the Lord extends His forgiveness, compassion and favor every single day of your life!



Remember the Lord is your inheritance!  You are his child and nothing can change that!  Hurt and Loss will not destroy you!  Jesus is your stand up and recovery!  He is your “daring hope”!  He is the hope that causes us to dare, to stand, to live, to love!

You WILL live without regret!  You will live today, tomorrow and everyday forward EXTRAORDINARILY!

Happy New Year!
