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Knowing Jesus Makes Me An Overcomer!

By February 5, 2015 February 16th, 2025 Jared Nieman

Ok, before we even get into the blog, I want you to say this as loud as possible (or as loud as is socially acceptable for your current location…) “I know Jesus is the victory! I know Jesus is the life! I know Jesus has over come!”  Did you do it?  I’m sure you did.  Let me tell you why I’m sure you did; you probably declared that about Jesus, because you believe it’s true.

Now, if I asked you to declare, “I know I have the victory!  I know I am an overcomer!” would you do it with the same heartfelt sincerity with which you declared it about Jesus?  I certainly hope so!  Unfortunately, there are so many believers that aren’t complete convinced about who they are in Jesus and as a result they are incomplete believers.  What do I mean by “incomplete”?  I mean that they believe in the divine power of Jesus, but for some reason they don’t believe it translates to them and their everyday living, but the Apostle Paul begs to differ:

“It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive and present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive…When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life.”  Romans 8:11 (MSG)

A key to living an extraordinary life this year is knowing that the same power that made Jesus victorious, the same power that made Jesus an overcomer, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, is alive in you!  When you know Jesus, you know that He overcame  death, hell and the grave.  When you know Jesus, you know that he was made the sacrifice for our sins and our sicknesses.  When you know Jesus, you then have the capacity to be an overcomer and you are delivered from a dead life!

capacity: the ability to hold or contain.

In Jesus, you are the holder of freedom, the container of Jesus’ victory over the world.  Knowing this powerful truth makes you an overcomer!  Jesus didn’t say there wouldn’t be opposition, what he said is that he has given you the tools to overcome the opposition, Jesus called these the keys to the Kingdom:

“Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.  Jesus replied, “You are blessed…and upon this rock I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.  And I will give you the keys to the Kingdom.”  Matthew 16:17-19 (NLT, paraphrase added)

It was this relational exchange, this “knowing”, that allowed Jesus to build up Peter’s faith.  This was a moment of “knowing” because Peter came to the realization that he actually knew who Jesus was, and Jesus said that it was on this “knowing” that the church would be established, the gates of hell would be rendered powerless and that the keys of the Kingdom of God would be transferred to every believer!  You have the keys because you know Jesus!

So now let’s declare this together, “I know Jesus has overcome, and because I know Jesus, I am an overcomer!”  Listen I want you to declare that all day everyday, and feel free to get creative!  Jesus is a healer, so I’m healed!  Jesus is a provider, so all of my needs are met!  Let that truth resonate in everything you do!  That as you know Jesus, you have the capacity to contain all that He is!  Can I get a good amen to that!?!

Have an incredible week, and live extraordinarily!
