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Building Your Platform

By April 7, 2015 February 16th, 2025 Jared Nieman

When we hear the word platform, most of us equate platforms to big stages, positions of massive influence, a big business or a mega-church, and we’d be correct to consider those thing as platforms.  The issue is however, that if only the big stages were considered platforms, then only a select few would have platforms. I believe that God has given each of us a platform for us to do what He has purposed for our lives.

platform: a declaration of the principles or truth on which a person stands

Think of it this way, your platform is best seen through the way you live your life.   While you may not run a Fortune 500 corporation or have a position that wields great influence, you can live your life in a way that declares the truth on which you stand.

You know every week I get the incredible honor of standing before our church to pray with them or share God’s word with them.  I believe that the stage I stand on was built by the platform on which my parent’s lived their lives.

See, my parents focused and strived to live a life that declared the truth about the abundant life that Jesus came for all of us to have.  It was their perseverance and tenacity in personifying that truth in every area of their lives that built the platform that I stand on every week. 

I know that God has given you a platform also, He has given you a life with which to declare all the truth about who He is, Paul said it this way:

Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives…” 2 Corinthians 3:3 (MSG)

You may think, “well I’m not Charles Nieman nor Bill Gates, I’m not even in a leadership position at work!”  You’re right, you may not be a lot things, but here are some things I’m sure that you are:

You are alive!

God carves His best platforms out of our lives.  See the results of living the abundant life certainly include being promoted to positions of power and success, but the truth is that you can build a godly platform before you ever get the position of influence!

You are a blood bought child of the King of kings! 

Your life should declare the truth of being a redeemed of the Lord!  Your life has been redeemed so that you could become a walking testament of the love of Jesus!  In fact, you may be the closest thing to Jesus your co-workers, friends and family ever see!  What an incredible platform to have!

So my question to you today is, what is your platform?  Honestly, the answer is easy, your platform is whatever means you choose to use to declare the truth of the incredible grace and love of Jesus!  Your parenting or marriage can be a godly platform.  Your service at church can be your platform, your small business can be a powerful platform.  Whatever it might be, get out on that platform and declare the truth of God’s goodness with your life!

Live Extraordinarily!
